Wednesday 8 May 2013

Tips for Eco-Friendly Home

Hello, my friends around the world!

I am Shirley of the Green Team.

I believe everybody wants an eco-friendly home. It's easy to say, but sometimes people do not know what to do. Here are some tips from the 'eye of a child' like me:

Use your electricity wisely:
It means you can also control your electricity bills. In my opinion, it means you also reduce the heat produced by the electricity that might harm the Earth.

Collect rain water to water your plants:
In rainy seasons, collect rain water so that you can use it for watering your plants. In my opinion, you can use the rain water to wash your car or motorbike only if you have keep it for one night so that all dirt can stay under the bucket.

Instead of buying your vegetables, plant your own vegetables if possible:
You can find seeds of vegetables easily at plant stores. You only need containers, time and patience to plant your favorite vegetables.

Have 3 rubbish bins at your house: 
The 3 rubbish bins are for plastics, metals and papers. It might be confusing for the first time, but it will help you a lot later.

Bring a cloth bag for groceries:
When you are going to the market or shopping for groceries, bring a cloth bag instead of a plastic bag. You can use the cloth bag many times and wash it when it's dirty.

Learn to re-use things:
"Trash" is not always a trash that you have to throw it in the garbage bin right away. Try to always think what you can use / re-use with 'the trash' before you throw it away.

Use used cans for planting:
Pots you bought in the stores are nice and fancy. But, try to re-use cans for planting like what I do at my house. It's fun, easy and money-save.

Best Regards,

The Green Team


  1. Another practical tip is to use organic cotton for your sleepwear; it will help you to sleep green. Another additional tip is to wash your bed sheets, carpets and your clothes with a natural laundry detergent to let out fewer toxins.

    1. Hello.
      Greetings from Indonesia. :)
      Thank you so much for very interesting tips. Agree. :)
      Thanks for visiting this blog. Keep reading. :)
