Saturday 3 May 2014

A Day in TEMESI Village: Useful Advice (part 6 - end)

Hey Greensters!
Sample of a house with energy saving system

Patricia here :) I would like to share with you the advice given to us from our guide in Temesi. There were a lot of good advices. We learned a lot. Here are some of the advice:

Many kind of garbage
  • There are many kinds of garbage found on the Earth, like: papers, plastics, metals and also 'Sampah B3'. In Indonesian language, 'Sampah B3' means 'Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun' or 'hazardous and toxic materials'. If you have any unused hazardous and toxic materials (batteries, spray cans, light bulbs and other hazardous objects), don’t break it because it contains toxic materials inside that can be poisonous and dangerous for our health and our Earth! It is better to wrap it securely with plastic so that if it leaks, we won't be affected with the poison. These objects will be buried underground because these objects cannot be recycled again. They bury it in an isolated place so that we won't be affected if it leaks. The place is called 'landfills'.
  • When you charge the batteries of your gadgets, don’t leave the plugs on the socket. Even though it makes it easier for us to use it again later on, it still consumes the electricity. It is better if you plug the charger out from the socket because it is a way to save energy. 
    Solar panels on the roof
  • Sun is the biggest source of energy in our Universe. It is better to start to implement solar panels. Temesi has been starting to use solar panel energy for the lights. Unfortunately, because the cost to make solar panels is still high, they can only use the solar panels for one place at the moment. It is our duty for next generations to benefit solar energy in the future. 

Hope you enjoy reading about Temesi. 
Let's help Temesi to market their organic composts!

Thank you for reading. 

Patricia TGTI
(grade 8 student)

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