Saturday 20 July 2013

Tips on How to be a "Teacher" in Local Market

When we teach them crafts
Dear Greensters,

I'm Mika, together with Javier, Patricia, Kirana, Shirley, Sharon and Chloe today. We are going to give some information about how to teach people in local market, like Badung market in Denpasar. Everyone of us has our own experience.

First: We teach them about good manner, good personality,and good attitude. Like: don't forget to say 'thank you' and be polite.
Second: We teach them about healthy living, like: washing your hands regularly before you eat.
Third: We teach them about a good education, like: counting, reading and writing.

Being a volunteer as 'teacher' at market is fun.. We can teach kids that cannot read,writing and other else. We need to be really patient. We need to teach them some manners too, because they don't have much manners. The kids at Badung market can't go to school because their parents don't have enough money to pay their school fees. That's why we have to be grateful to our parents who can pay our school fee. I'll tell you about kids at the local market. They need to work first if they want to eat. They already work at 5 o'clock in the morning. They help people to carry their things. For me, they are great kids!

Key chain making 

As a 'kakak pengajar' (meaning: 'brother or sister' to teach), we have to teach them like we're teaching our little brothers and sisters. Most of the kids there always try to find a way to get noticed because they need affection. They don't get as much affection as we do. They also like to play more than studying. That's why sometimes we teach them crafts because doing crafts is just like playing but in a good and effective way. We also have to be patient when we teach them because sometimes, the kids gets a little too .... hyper. :)).

Teach them what they want to be taught and always to have choices for them to learn. Examples: English, Math and drawings. Always have the things ready, examples: color pencils, crayons, drawing pencils etc.

We should treat them like our friends. We should give them useful knowledge. We should be patient with them if they did a mistake in their studies or if they did something wrong. 
Bracelet, necklace and hair clips making

They are no difference between them and us. So, consider them as our friends. 

We teach them nicely and patiently. We don't teach them roughly like what we did most of the time with our friends or our brothers / sisters. We want them to be smart, creative etc. 

For all of us, actually those kids at the local market who the ones teaching us. They 'teach' us to be patient, they 'teach' us to be grateful and they 'teach' us about pure love.

This is how we teach them together

Thank you for reading. 
Keep helping others in need and the environment. 

Best Regards,

The Green Team Indonesia

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