It's me Vanessa of the Green Team :)
Few weeks ago, I learnt on how to plant Kangkong. You remember Kangkong, right? My sister Patricia already wrote about Kangkong, the Water Spinach in this blog. It is easy to plant Kangkong from the seeds. Just buy the seeds and the composted soil from the plant store and follow these steps. By the way, I use a big pot to plant it, but you can use an unused can for growing it first before you move the plants to a bigger pot or land.
Prepare the unused can by making holes on the bottom of the can:
The holes are for the water to go out freely from the can so the water will not get stuck in the can. Kangkong needs a lot of water but too much water will ruin it also.
Prepare shredded styrofoam for the base:
Don't throw away the styrofoam because it cannot be recycled that easily. So, use it for something else like for the base of the can. It will make the water flow well and not directly go out from the can.
Add soil on top of shredded styrofoam layer:
Add some composted soil and water it.
Make some holes for the seeds on the soil then put the seeds inside the holes:
Put around 3 seeds in every hole and cover it with the soil.
Water it:
Don't forget to water your Kangkong everyday. Kangkong like a wet soil. I water my kangkong in the morning and in the afternoon before the sunset. Don't water your Kangkong in the mid-afternoon because the heat will absorb the water and your Kangkong will dry quickly.
In 25 days or more, you will harvest your own Kangkong. My mom said you need to cut it and your Kangkong will grow again for 3 times before you have to take it out from the soil.
Have fun gardening!
Best Regards,
The Green Team
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